ECO4 Pre-existing Loft Insulation Form
Written by Adam Maya
ECO4 Pre-Existing Loft Insulation Form – Update
Ofgem have released a new version of the Pre-Existing Loft Insulation Form (LDEC).
The following message was issued with the form:
“The nature of this form is different to the rest of the ECO4 Project Forms where more time is required to implement the changes into the systems .We expect the form to be used for ECO4 Projects where the pre-installation RdSAP/SAP project survey is carried out from 1st May 2023 and we encourage ECO industry members to adopt to the ECO4 Pre-Existing Loft Insulation Form V1.0 as soon as possible.”
A copy of the new template is available on dropbox. Please start to use the form as soon as possible and must be used for any surveys carried out from 1st May.
This ECO4 loft pre condition for band D properties update was originally published on 24th March 2023