ECO4 LA Flex Guidance

Written by Adam Maya

Published on April 25, 2023

Ofgem have published the following statement on their ECO Newsletter, March 2023, Number 23.

ECO4 Guidance: Local Authority Administration V1.2 & Subsidiary Documents

On the 3rd of March 2023 an updated version of the ECO4 Guidance: Local Authority Administration V1.2 was published along with the following subsidiary documents:

  • ECO4 Flex Statement of Intent Template V0.3
  • ECO4 Flex Fact-Sheet for Third Parties V1.1
  • ECO4 Flex Declaration Notification Template V1.1
  • ECO4 Flex Data Dictionary V1.1
  • ECO4 Flex Declaration to Supplier Template V1.0

All ECO4 Flex guidance is published on Ofgem’s website here.

The following information has been confirmed with in the ECO4 Guidance: Local Authority Administration V1.2:

5.5. The SoI must be signed by the CEO or dedicated responsible person. A wet signature on the published version is not a legal requirement. However, we would strongly urge LAs to provide either a wet or electronic signature, or as a minimum a printed name and date, along with contact details of the best person to contact regarding their SoI. Signatures cannot be auto populated or duplicated.

6.1. LAs and DAs are also required to produce and sign declarations for all households that they refer for the scheme to the supplier or installer. Authorities can only issue declarations once they have published a SoI. Declarations that are signed by third parties will be rejected. The declaration must be signed by an LA Officer as this confirms that the checks have been made by the LA Officer, and that the LA Officer is declaring that the household listed meets the eligibility criteria under whichever specific route they are referring. The signature cannot be auto populated or duplicated, a wet or electronic signature is suitable.

Please ensure that signatures within all ECO4 Flex Statement of Intents and Declarations are unique to the document and not auto populated or duplicated.

This ECO4 LA Flex Guidance update was originally published on 25th April 2023