TrustMark ECO4 Evidence Lodgement

TrustMark ECO4 Evidence Lodgement

  Core Logic have now issued further information on TrustMark lodgements, and the integration between the Energy Companies systems and TrustMark’s database. A full guide provided by Core Logic is available on dropbox. The following table details all TrustMark data...
ECO4 Pre-conditions

ECO4 Pre-conditions

  There has been a recent surge in utility errors relating to pre-conditions and this requires your immediate attention. Under ECO4, the requirement for existing insulation to meet insulation pre-conditions is that it is installed in a manner that would meet Building...
ECO4 Heating Control Measure Types

ECO4 Heating Control Measure Types

  There are new rules around how heating controls should be reported in the full ECO4 Delivery Guidance. These apply retrospectively to all measures installed from July 2022 onwards. They are not common sense or intuitive, so please take the time to understand as they...
HTH Evidence

HTH Evidence

  The Help to Heat Group (HTHG) eligibility comprises of ten different benefit types. The following benefit types are eligible under the ECO4: 1.       Income based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) 2.       Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) 3.      ...
TrustMark ECO4 Evidence Lodgement

Trustmark Guide

   A guide created by TrustMark sent to Anesco: You will need to check if the errors you have been notified of can be amended using the one of the below functions available. ECO4 you can use the amendment function to either amend or clone a measure in the Retrofit...